Saturday, June 18, 2022

Realistic Life And Pregnancy Mod

Realistic Life And Pregnancy Mod

Hello Simmers, 

This Mod is all about family and relationships, it's supposed to add more realistic conversations and answers. Your Sim might not like the questions and might have bad reactions. 

The New Pie menu categories will include:

  • Kids Interactions 
  • Morning and Night Interactions
  • Pregnancy and baby sex preference 
  • Family Interactions  
  • Personals,
  • And Mean Interactions such as "Talk About Divorce"

+ 1st we'll start explaining The Kids Interactions:

This will appear to you little Sim:

This will appear to Teens:

And this will appear to the parent:

Your little sim will now ask for a pc and be stressed waiting for their parent's answers, they may accept, refuse, and give a condition.

Here are the parent's reactions about the New PC: 

and the kid stressing mood

- Here the dad asked his child "what is your dream job?"

Here's a couple of kids answers ( I won't share every answer I'll let you discover in-game):

- Children will also be asked about how was their day at school and what lunch they had today (Buff answers as well). 
Parent buff:

Child buffs:

And some of what kids had at lunch buffs:

 + Morning interactions are inspired by a real-life discussion and will only appear in the morning:

They will express the caffeine need and tell the Actor their plans for the day if they ever have one and say what they want for breakfast, her's few answers (more in-game):

Here in case, they accept to go outside for a breakfast at the restaurant of a coffee shop:

+ Night interactions will be about Having Dinner Outside, ask about the day at work, missing your partner, and asking how are you. It will also appear only at night.

- Here are some examples in-game: 

+ Pregnancy Interactions will be about realistic symptoms, as complaining about morning sickness or talk about baby kicks, the way of being insecure with their body, and the way the smell increased. Your Sim will also share their baby gender preference: 

And of course, they will get answers with buffs: Both of the parents will have their own preference,

One of the partner's wishes:

The pregnant will also talk about her symptoms and her moods, 

+ Family interactions will make your sim talk about adoptions, such as discuss adopting a pet or adopt a child...

Here are few negative answers about adopting a child but of course, more discover in-game:

They will get to know more about their friend, family, or partner and ask them about their favorite color (all colors are available):

+ With the Personal pie menu, your sims will now share their personal feeling and experiences and make them feel bad as if something happened and kept influencing their life, 

The Share feelings for someone Interaction is available only with best friends.

More about the feelings:

Few examples of Sharing feelings for someone: more in-game:

Talking about something that happened in the past was inspired by the mod "Life Tragedies" like Kidnapping, Car Accidents, Bullying... Your Sim will talk about bad things that happened in their past and made them feel weak, sad, and overthinking.

+ More info about Life Tragedies Mod here:

+ Your Sim will now have real relationship problems menu they will deeply express themselves and explain why they want to leave, why they see no future with them and why they want to divorce, and many more: 

Now, this Pie menu will only appear when your sims are having a bad or aggressive conversation:

Here are a few examples:

Finally, It will include some computer pie Travel Menu that makes your Sim search for some holiday prices and deals.

BTW, these interactions are just for fun, your sim won't travel yet, I'm still working on it to make it functional. The only one that works is the "Find Selvadoradian Attractions" it makes your sim gain Selvadoradian skills so fast.

I added answers to all the questions but unfortunately, this was the only thing I could do, it wasn't what I wanted but I promise to make it better once I can:

- I am still working on it but here are a few examples I added recently to the Family pie menu:

+ For the Children, I added:

Child and Teen buff:

The parent Buff:

+ For the Teen, I added:

Now the teen will ask their parent if they are allowed to have a tattoo and a piercing:
Tattoo Teen buff: (More in-game)

Parent Buff:

Piercing Teen buffs: (More in-game)

Parent Buff: (More in-game)

+ The parents asking their child if they want a sibling:

Parent buff:

Child Buffs:

+  The parent nags their young adult or adult child to marry:

The parent and adult child buffs: (More in-game)

+ there's a new family interaction where the child and teenager ask for a sleepover:

(More in-game of course):

- Now for the Pregnancy pie menu, I added only one interaction for now, but of course, I'm open to suggestions if you have any idea:

The Pregnant buff:

The Child Buffs: (more in-game)

+ Here I added an only teen interaction where the pregnant teen announces their pregnancy to their parent: 

The parent and teen child interaction: (more in-game)

+ More teen pregnancy: I added an interaction where the Teenager announces their pregnancy to their partner:

Teen buff: 

Partner Buff: (more in-game)

- I also added one new interaction for the parent to their child: (This is only available at night, so the parent would ask it before bed)

Parent buff:

Child Buffs:

- I added to the Complicated Relationships a new interaction:

+ The buffs: (more in-game)

Please note that this mod was released on the 3rd of October 2020 at 2:07 pm 
The inspiration for this mod was from my daily life, and movies 
I copied no one and the only mod I got some inspiration from was one of the Sacrificial mods.

Please contact me on My Social Media:

Download HERE

How to make mods and cc work in-game?

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